“Miller’s Cave” Airplay/Press

Our latest single, “Miller’s Cave” has been getting a lot of airplay on stations, shows and podcasts, focused on Americana, Alt-Country and/or Country music, particularly in the U.K. (they seem to dig us over there as they loved our EP, Miners’ Rebellion as well).

We are in rotation on two of the best Americana-focused internet radio stations, Americana Boogie Radio and Radio Free Americana. Additionally, several new shows and stations have discovered and played us including the Roots, Rednecks and Radicals radio show/podcast, the Simply Country UK radio show, and the Englefield Roots Country UK radio show. Continued supporters, who played both Miners’ Rebellion and Miller’s Cave include the Standing in the Shadows of Lev show (UK), the American Roots UK show (multiple plays), and the Radio Crystal Blue podcast. Finally, we received a nice write-up from our good fiends over at Adobe and Teardrops blog, and a mention form Post-to-Wire blog on their Facebook page.

There is more airplay coming soon, so check the Press and Media Page often where you can find links to all the stations, shows and podcasts that play us and blogs/pages that review us. The Radio Airplay Page links the stations are currently playing us (or have in the past). Be sure to take a listen and support them with social media likes and, if so inclined, donations as many are commercial free, run on shoe-string budgets and rely on donations to stay afloat.